Want to get ahead? Arrive early.
This sounds soooo simple. But! How many times have you been late for meetings? What is your “on time arrival percentage?”
If it is less than 90%, consider a behavior change.
Arriving early does all good things…
- It shows respect
- It allows you to prepare
- It gives you a chance to chat with the other early arrivers, many times the higher ranking folks in the organization
- It defeats “last minute arrival” stress
- It allows you to choose a great seat
- It says “I’m organized” to others
Arriving late, perennially says just the opposite – the unspoken vibes that you’re not organized, disrespectful, unprepared, and disheveled.
How change? One of the most simple techniques is to set the goal of arriving 10 minutes early. If the meeting starts at 10:00 am, consider yourself one minute late if you arrive at 9:51.
This works for me… What other ideas have worked for YOU?