Module details:
Energizing Motivation Techniques and Building a Positive Culture (week 1)
There are different types of motivation: pull vs. push. Positive work environments are productive. We will discuss work cultures and tools to bring about cultural shifts, and the role vision plays in this effort. This module will give you strategies that can help you use the power of positive motivation to engage your workforce in energizing success.
Employee Engagement and Transformation from Managing to Leading (week 2)
Employee engagement helps organizations thrive. Are your employees fully engaged? Do they love their work? Do you manage or do you lead? Are your team members followers or self-guided? In addition to exploring the difference between management and leadership, we’’ explore when each skill is best used, and techniques to enhance employee engagement even further.
Feedback that Motivates Employee Performance (week 3)
This module will bring together proven tools and techniques that the leader can use when giving constructive feedback to their employees. There is a way to gain buy-in to changing behaviors. Among the techniques to be discussed are how to set the stage for positive interaction, when to deliver feedback, how to bring about change in behavior, how to turn a mistake into a helpful learning experience, and how to motivate continued improving performance
Powerful Delegation Strategies and Goal Setting (week 4)
Inherent in managing and leading others is the ability to delegate motivationally. This module deals with delegating not only the task but how to also delegate the responsibility and accountability that enables workers to adopt projects and results as their own. We will also explore how impactful goal setting is a key component to not only delegating but for self-management.
Priorities, Balance and Time Management for the Effective Leader (week 5)
How can you ever get it all done? So many things to do–so much stress! This module will unlock the secrets to managing your life (not your time,) and help you to enjoy it more than ever. You’ll participate in life-changing exercises that will help you embrace positive habits.
Setting priorities and managing time effectively is basic to managing individual and organizational performance. The pressure to find innovative ways to achieve goals, pay attention to the competition, respond quickly to customer needs, and enjoy life outside of work is even more intense in today’s less structured, information-driven workplace. Meeting the daily challenge of managing professional and personal responsibilities requires a learning strategy designed to meet individual needs.
Leadership in Changing Times (week 6)
The organizations that manage change well will have a competitive edge. Managing change is not about managing tasks; it is about managing peoples’ reactions and acceptance of the changes they are asked to adopt. This module helps participants explore the ways to best manage change in their organizations, from developing strategies to understand the fears and attitudes of the people impacted to applying the “right” communication techniques to gain acceptance.