If you want to run a great committee, here are some thoughts about your ability to impact and influence your committee…
1. Your Attitude will be Their Attitude
The committee chairperson sets the tone for the entire committee.
If you have energy, they will have energy.
If you are negative, they will be negative.
If you are positive, they will be positive.
If you start late, they will be late.
If you start on time, they will be on time.
If you gossip, they will gossip.
If you bash management, they will bash management.
If you are visionary, they will be visionary.
Start out right: Don’t just expect it, BE it. Model the GREAT attitude that you want your group to have.
2. You Have More Influence than you think
Your opinion about things can influence the entire committee. Whether you believe this or not, your POSITION enables this quirky phenomenon. You might also be influential as a person, and be able to do this naturally.
But when you are in a position of authority, many people will automatically adopt your views about things. It is important to know this so that you understand how your thoughts and opinions most likely be adopted. Your challenge is to use this influence positively and wisely.
For more great tips, visit http://innerclout.com/store/books/great-meetings/ for our book and eBook, “Making Good Meetings Great!”