Marketing yourself can be AWWWKWARD. After all, YOU are the product, whether you are selling your entrepreneurial business or selling yourself to your boss or clients…
“Often any decision, even the wrong decision, is better than no decision.” –Ben Horowitz I believe that great leaders DECIDE. Then DECIDE again if things aren’t working. Paralysis of analysis … Continue reading Monday Motivator on the Value of Deciding
Want the Secret to Deadline Excellence: Set Due-Times. Want to energize your department? Set due-times, rather than due-dates. We’ve all requested a task to be completed by a certain day, … Continue reading The Secret to Helping Others Meet Deadlines
“I’ve always meant to learn better IT skills, but every time I’m going to sign up for the class something comes up. It would really help me at work, but…” … Continue reading Turning Obstacles Into Opportunities
“The reason that I didn’t get that report in on time was because my computer crashed, and I lost all of my supporting information…” “I’m sorry for being late for … Continue reading No Excuses, Sir!
Sometimes “no” is better than “yes.” Why are we so afraid to tell people “no”? Do we fear disappointing them? Might they think less of us? Are we afraid to … Continue reading How to Say “No”… Nicely
If you want to add more energy to your organization, and get it moving faster, use deadlines! Huh? People always use deadlines. What is so great about deadlines energizing an … Continue reading Deadlines and Energy
Like day needs night, Romeo needs Juliet, and bacon needs eggs; so do leaders need followers. However, these great partnerships are examples of symbiosis, and followers needs leaders every bit … Continue reading Leading From The Front Isn’t Always Best
I’ll bet you could tell me exactly when the last time someone gave you a meaningful compliment. In fact, I’ll bet you can remember exactly what the person said that … Continue reading When was the last time you got a compliment?
Are you a regular ‘gotcha’ player? Is it a popular game in your office or home? If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then you’re one of the lucky … Continue reading The Dreaded Game of Gotcha!
Wherever you go, some people just seem to be more productive than others. What’s their secret? Indeed, sometimes entire workplaces seem super-productive. It’s no secret that these highly productive workplaces … Continue reading Nine Secrets of Super-Productive People