In business, we can get in trouble when we take things personally. This applies to how we perceive ourselves as we market ourselves. To our clients, to our bosses, to … Continue reading Personal Marketing: Are you Selling a Product or a Person?
In business, we can get in trouble when we take things personally. This applies to how we perceive ourselves as we market ourselves. To our clients, to our bosses, to … Continue reading Personal Marketing: Are you Selling a Product or a Person?
When people are trying to decide who to work with, who to buy from, or who to join in some volunteer effort, they look at a person’s “approachability.” How approachable … Continue reading How to Sell Yourself without Selling Yourself Out #9 – Approachability!
Overcoming sales reluctance, especially when we’re talking about our own personal marketing, can be a real challenge. One of the best ways to “sell yourself, without selling yourself out” is … Continue reading How to Sell Yourself without Selling Yourself Out #5 – Tell Stories!
Note: This is our first post in a 10 part series dealing with personal marketing strategies. Many people struggle with the idea that they have to sell themselves, either corporately … Continue reading How to Sell Yourself without Selling Yourself Out #1 – Let Others Do It!