I am always amazed when I see someone composing a very detailed and complex e-mail on a subject that would be much more appropriately discussed. Are people hiding behind e-mail? … Continue reading Discuss, THEN Confirm
I am always amazed when I see someone composing a very detailed and complex e-mail on a subject that would be much more appropriately discussed. Are people hiding behind e-mail? … Continue reading Discuss, THEN Confirm
What is SO hard about turning it off??? This is NOT rocket science. But it IS personal control. Given all of the email you receive daily, perhaps it is difficult … Continue reading What is SO hard about turning it off???
Wanna check your email “savviness?” Here’s a quick 20 question assessment that you may find verrrrrrrry interrrresting! It contains assessing questions like …I close or minimize my email when I … Continue reading Are you Email Savvy? Try this fun assessment!
How many times has your telephone rung while you were having dinner with your family? Some people answer it, some don’t. Some give the control of the moment to the … Continue reading Have you given too much power to your email?
Some well known, large companies have declared Fridays as the day when email may NOT be used. Its intention is to force dialogue. When I think about companies declaring “No … Continue reading There’s something more than “No Email Fridays”
It is no secret that the amount of paper consumption has increased since the advent of computer automation. And even though the paperless office was supposed to lead to the … Continue reading Email Tips to Save Trees on Earth Day – Give Printing a Rest!
Step 9: Budget time to sort email. Too many people underestimate the amount of time sorting their email will consume. However, email is becoming an increasingly significant part of most … Continue reading Email E-ddiction: Step 9
Step 8: Plan your day. This is where it all comes together…A lot of folks fear that if they put their emails in a folder, they’ll forget them. This step … Continue reading Email E-ddiction: Step 8
Step 7: Apply the Two-Minute Rule. Here’s my golden (secret) rule of email management: If an email can be handled and responded to in two minutes or less, then take … Continue reading Email E-ddiction: Step 7
Step 6: Create and use e-folders Your efforts to keep your inbox empty will hinge on the effectiveness of the email folder system you establish to manage your messages. Then, … Continue reading Email E-ddiction: Step 6