Listen to these brief but powerful tips about managing your relationship with your boss! podcastboss021618
Keeping with our focus on assertiveness this month, I’d like to share some tactical ways for you to stand up for yourself. After all, isn’t that one of the ways … Continue reading Seven Ways to Stand Up for Yourself
This month’s focus on being assertive has brought some great questions about the line between assertiveness and aggressiveness, and requests for tips. As a reminder, assertiveness involves honoring yourself while … Continue reading Want to be Assertive? Here are Some Tips…
Here’s your Monday Motivator: Throw at least 10 things out – TODAY! Clutter creates mind clutter. Whether you clean out a drawer, ditch old pencils, purge files, or take 10 … Continue reading Monday Motivator: Chuck It!
At last week’s Coaching at The Corner, we had a lively discussion about networking and how to make it less intimidating and more enjoyable. Yes. It can even be enjoyable! … Continue reading Seven Networking Tips for People Who Don’t LOVE Networking
Why are so many people afraid to ask for help? Do they think they will appear weak? Actually, the reverse is true. Listen to this brief podcast to find out … Continue reading Asking for Help Actually Helps YOU!
So much of leadership and influence involves motivating people to do the things that are useful in achieving the results you want to see. While you may not think this … Continue reading How about a Good Catch?