“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” – John C. Maxwell. Knows… Goes… Shows… Are you all three?
Productivity and organization go hand-in-hand. The more organized you are, the more productive you can be. Organization can come in many forms: physical, mental, digital, to name a few. At … Continue reading Eight Cool Secrets to Become Even More Organized – from Coaching at The Corner
In business, we can get in trouble when we take things personally. This applies to how we perceive ourselves as we market ourselves. To our clients, to our bosses, to … Continue reading Personal Marketing: Are you Selling a Product or a Person?
Why is it that we can easily meet our boss’s deadlines? Why is it that we can get to the airport in time for our flight with time to spare? … Continue reading Who is Going to Hold ME Accountable?
“How we think shows through in how we act. Attitudes are mirrors of the mind. They reflect thinking.” –David Joseph Schwartz Hmmm… if you want to change how you act, … Continue reading Monday Motivator: “How we think…”
Too many people spend time on things that are not important to their business or personal goals. They suffer distraction from what is truly important. They spend time doing things … Continue reading Two Quick Exercises to Help You Set Priorities