The minute you send an urgent email to a co-worker or subordinate, you’ve just infected them. Email is a great tool. It is efficient, effective, and inexpensive! It was never … Continue reading Urgent Emails are TOXIC!
The minute you send an urgent email to a co-worker or subordinate, you’ve just infected them. Email is a great tool. It is efficient, effective, and inexpensive! It was never … Continue reading Urgent Emails are TOXIC!
The main goal of proper inbox maintenance is to keep your inbox available for newly-received items. Don’t get the shakes… it IS possible, and it DOES work. Emptying your inbox does … Continue reading E-mail Management Best Practice: Flush your Inbox
Maybe we are looking at this all wrong… Businesses are downsizing because they can’t afford the employee salaries and extras. Don’t they realize that most workers who rely on e-mail … Continue reading Re-energize the economy with productivity, not cost cutting!
Here is a review of my book, wanted to share – Inbox Detox: If you’re anything like me, you can’t function without email. We rely on it daily for communication … Continue reading Klaus Givskov-Christensen on “Inbox Detox”
Consider the economic impact if businesses could reclaim an hour of productivity a day, per worker. It’s possible, but it appears most companies are clueless or could “care-less.” California … Continue reading I Don’t GET it! Doesn’t ANYone “see” the impact of e-mail excellence in the workplace?
Happy New Year, everyone! This is the time when many people make resolutions for the New Year… so I’d like to add my two cents. Resolve to empty your inbox … Continue reading A Perennially Empty Inbox – How ’bout THAT for a New Year’s Resolution?
We’ve all heard of sleep walking, sleep talking, and even sleep eating, but now there’s a new late-night culprit – sleep e-mailing, or zzzmailing, as it’s now been dubbed. The … Continue reading Zzzmailing — a new late-night culprit?!!
This is the most recent survey we could find… we can only assume the numbers are growing. “Workplace interruptions cost US economy $588 bn a year” by The EditorsFinancial Express, … Continue reading And you think Email interruptions aren’t costly?
Believe it or not, one of the questions that we frequently receive has to do with how can we tell one of our dearest friends that we really don’t need … Continue reading How to get a close friend to take you off his or her joke list… (no joke!)
I am always amazed when I see someone composing a very detailed and complex e-mail on a subject that would be much more appropriately discussed. Are people hiding behind e-mail? … Continue reading Discuss, THEN Confirm
How many times has your telephone rung while you were having dinner with your family? Some people answer it, some don’t. Some give the control of the moment to the … Continue reading Have you given too much power to your email?