Somewhat related to the copy happy emailer is the person who sends blind copies of emails to “interested” parties. This practice is akin to “playing rat.” It can be viewed … Continue reading Do you know this toxic emailer? Blind Copy Callie
Somewhat related to the copy happy emailer is the person who sends blind copies of emails to “interested” parties. This practice is akin to “playing rat.” It can be viewed … Continue reading Do you know this toxic emailer? Blind Copy Callie
Harry loves email. It is fast, inexpensive, and he can add anyone and everyone who might have even a smidge of interest in his topic or project, and it doesn’t … Continue reading Do you know this toxic emailer? Copy Happy Harry
When deciding whether to email, call or visit, consider the overall time of all parties involved, not just the amount of time it takes you to create and send your … Continue reading Email tip: Consider the overall time for the transaction
Forwarding Frank forwards e-mails indiscriminately, without editing, or explaining the forward. Another practice that seems to get people’s goats is to receive a long strain of e-mail correspondence — I … Continue reading Do you Know this Toxic Emailer: Forwarding Frank
Thelma responds to just about every email, saying merely “thank you.” Though often meant as a courtesy, several of my clients say that one of the more frustrating e-mails they … Continue reading Do you Know this Toxic Emailer: Thankful Thelma
Dilly sends an email, then calls you a few minutes later to see if you received it. Some people can’t resist calling you 10 minutes after they sent you an … Continue reading Do You Know this Toxic Emailer: Double Checking Dilly?
Toxic email habits have diffused the importance of daily planning, a key component of time management. People allow the delivery of new messages to continually interrupt and impose on their … Continue reading Arriving Emails Threaten Daily Planning
Urgent Ursula sends emails when she needs something ASAP. She expects that her subordinates have their email open and are anxiously awaiting her electronic gifts. She doesn’t consider that her … Continue reading Do you Know this Toxic Emailer: Urgent Ursula
Hate having a Cluttered Desk? Then why are there so many messages in your inbox? Keeping numerous emails in your inbox is akin to keeping all of your paper tasks … Continue reading Hate Having a Cluttered Desk?
Do you know this e-mailer? (names have been changed to protect the guilty) Keyboard Kim’s fingers are locked to her keyboard. That’s all she does-tap away on those keys. No … Continue reading Do you know this toxic e-mailer? Keyboard Kim
Have you ever received an Email Message like this? Hi everyone! I’d like to try what I’ll call a “virtual meeting”- I’d like to throw out a question and get … Continue reading Meet by E-Mail? Let’s blog instead!