Sometimes, we are our own worst enemies. We let our minds get in the way of pursuing our dreams. Gary Keller’s quote “The habits of our life are like chains … Continue reading BIG! Strategies to Help You THINK BIG
Sometimes, we are our own worst enemies. We let our minds get in the way of pursuing our dreams. Gary Keller’s quote “The habits of our life are like chains … Continue reading BIG! Strategies to Help You THINK BIG
“A goal properly set is halfway reached.” -Zig Ziglar Yes, the more clear you are about the destination, the more focused you can be about getting there. …great thought to … Continue reading Monday Motivator: Zig’s Wisdom, once again…
It is THAT time of year again… time to reflect on the past year, and project toward the coming one. And this month, we’ll be focusing on GOAL SETTING, so … Continue reading It’s 2019 – Time to Reflect and Project…
There has been a lot a great dialogue recently about the core beliefs of mentally strong people. I discussed this as a topic in my bi-weekly “Coaching at The Corner” … Continue reading Core Beliefs of Mentally Strong People
If you hesitate to map our your future, or set a goal, you’ve just gone ahead and mapped your future. – Seth Godin Think of it, your inaction also sets … Continue reading Seth Godin on Mapping Your Future…
Some of us can be quite good at writing and creating goals. Following the SMART acronym, we do a great job of making our goals S.M.A.R.T – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant … Continue reading Want to Achieve a Goal? Visualize It!
Why do so many resolutions not make it past the first week of January? Are people just less tenacious than they used to be, or do people just expect to … Continue reading Resolve Not to Resolve!
If you want to add more energy to your organization, and get it moving faster, use deadlines! Huh? People always use deadlines. What is so great about deadlines energizing an … Continue reading Deadlines and Energy
Goals are magic. When you have them, you reach them. Here is a simple way to think of them. Goals should describe the result, or what success looks like, rather … Continue reading How to Write Goals