The end of Daylight Savings Time is now and you know what that means: We’re losing an hour of daylight! (Argghh…) Okay, okay, we don’t really “lose” an hour… but … Continue reading Email Management – Gain An Hour Per Day With Email Savings Time!
The end of Daylight Savings Time is now and you know what that means: We’re losing an hour of daylight! (Argghh…) Okay, okay, we don’t really “lose” an hour… but … Continue reading Email Management – Gain An Hour Per Day With Email Savings Time!
In celebration of the end of the National Email Week, we are not just providing you one tip, but 10. These are our 10 popular tips that we shared during … Continue reading National Email Week: Friday’s Email Management Tips
Sure, those messages that constantly interrupted you will show up. But they’ll show up in a group. That’s a good thing. Instead of looking up and handling or viewing these … Continue reading Email Overload? Triage your inbox delivered tasks in the proper priorities
We’re starting a new feature called “Ask Marsha.” So many of you have emailed me with individual questions, many answers which can be helpful to the rest of us. Here’s … Continue reading Ask Marsha: Is it possible to overload my Outlook Email account with all the stuff I save?
Consider the economic impact if businesses could reclaim an hour of productivity a day, per worker. It’s possible, but it appears most companies are clueless or could “care-less.” California … Continue reading I Don’t GET it! Doesn’t ANYone “see” the impact of e-mail excellence in the workplace?
Following the “Golden Rule” applies just as much in e-mail transactions as in other life situations. By embracing the concept that you should treat your recipients the way you want … Continue reading Email Etiquette tip: Follow “The Golden Rule”
Your use of the BCC option could be interpreted as backstabbing, end runs, or mistrust. Consider this e-mail blind copied to “the boss”: From: Howdy Sent: January 19, 2:41 PM … Continue reading Email Etiquette tip: Beware the use of the BCC
Placing a large number of e-mail addresses of recipients who don’t know each other in the CC shares private information with many recipients. Indiscriminate copying can actually be viewed as … Continue reading Email Etiquette tip: Do not share large lists of e-mail addresses via CC
This practice could be the easiest and most effective etiquette practice. By incorporating the person’s first name in to the body of the e-mail, you will go a long way … Continue reading Email Etiquette tip: Personalize the message
No, this is not rocket science. But one of the best kept secrets to reducing the amount of email you receive is… SEND LESS EMAIL!!!! E-mail begets e-mail. By reducing … Continue reading Reducing the Amount of Email You Receive – The Secret!
Toxic e-mail habits have diffused the importance of daily planning, a key component of time management. People allow the delivery of new messages to continually interrupt and impose on their … Continue reading Email has obliterated people’s daily planning efforts. How ’bout you?