Technology is great. There have been so many advancements that make things so efficient, effective, and yes, inexpensive. I still think that the advent of the e-mail is one of … Continue reading Are you “married to your office?”
Technology is great. There have been so many advancements that make things so efficient, effective, and yes, inexpensive. I still think that the advent of the e-mail is one of … Continue reading Are you “married to your office?”
This AOL survey has given us a lot of fodder for comment and humor. But there is one statistic that has nothing funny about it. 50% of the respondents admitted … Continue reading Driving while Texting (DWT): You are putting yourself at risk.
AOL’s e-mail addiction survey had a very interesting statistic. 15% of the respondents admitted to checking e-mail in church, up from 12% last year. Now, I haven’t heard any reports … Continue reading Does the big guy in the sky use e-mail?
I’m having trouble getting off of this latest AOL e-mail addiction survey.. 25%, or one out of four people who responded to the survey, admitted to checking their e-mail while … Continue reading So who is more important, your date or your e-mail?
AOL’s recent study has affirmed to me a lot of what I’ve suspected. 38% of the people in the survey have checked their e-mail in a business meeting. This does … Continue reading Is checking e-mail during business meetings career suicide?