Our last post showed that the average emailer checks his or her inbox 70 times a day… Frankly, I think this is ridiculous. But aside from that, consider this: If … Continue reading Give yourself the advantage over email overload…
Our last post showed that the average emailer checks his or her inbox 70 times a day… Frankly, I think this is ridiculous. But aside from that, consider this: If … Continue reading Give yourself the advantage over email overload…
RescueTime, a company that analyzes computer habits, has found that the average American worker checks 40 Web sites daily, checks e-mail 50 times and uses instant messaging 77 times a … Continue reading Are your email and internet habits above or below average?
Happy New Year, everyone! This is the time when many people make resolutions for the New Year… so I’d like to add my two cents. Resolve to empty your inbox … Continue reading A Perennially Empty Inbox – How ’bout THAT for a New Year’s Resolution?
We’ve all heard of sleep walking, sleep talking, and even sleep eating, but now there’s a new late-night culprit – sleep e-mailing, or zzzmailing, as it’s now been dubbed. The … Continue reading Zzzmailing — a new late-night culprit?!!
More interesting “stuff” from Basex -“Workplace interruptions cost US economy $588 bn a year” by The EditorsFinancial Express, 01/09/2006 “Over the past decade, psychiatrist Edward Hallowell has seen a tenfold … Continue reading Work induced ADD?
This is the most recent survey we could find… we can only assume the numbers are growing. “Workplace interruptions cost US economy $588 bn a year” by The EditorsFinancial Express, … Continue reading And you think Email interruptions aren’t costly?
James Krohe, Jr wrote a great article about technology and its influence on productivity published in The Conference Board Review. He even quoted me in the article! Here’s the link. … Continue reading Attention Deficit? Conference Board Review article…
Hey folks! The widely synicated Computer America radio show interviewed me last night on the subject of email “e-ddiction.” The link will be available for only 3 days, so click … Continue reading Computer America interview
No, this is not rocket science. But one of the best kept secrets to reducing the amount of email you receive is… SEND LESS EMAIL!!!! E-mail begets e-mail. By reducing … Continue reading Reducing the Amount of Email You Receive – The Secret!
If you read our last post, we’re prescribing the re-invention of the concept of once a day daily planning. Why?Because too many emailers are allowing newly received email messages to … Continue reading More on Daily Planning
Leaving e-mail messages you have already read in your inbox is just as counter-productive as leaving old mail in the box at the end of your driveway. Yet people routinely … Continue reading The Case for Emptying Your Inbox – EVERY time!