Hate having a Cluttered Desk? Then why are there so many messages in your inbox? Keeping numerous emails in your inbox is akin to keeping all of your paper tasks … Continue reading Hate Having a Cluttered Desk?
Hate having a Cluttered Desk? Then why are there so many messages in your inbox? Keeping numerous emails in your inbox is akin to keeping all of your paper tasks … Continue reading Hate Having a Cluttered Desk?
Toxic Emailer: “Chatroom Chuck” Do you know Chuck? Chuck could sit behind his desk all day. He likes using group e-mails and e-mails to challenge numerous recipients to “discuss” issues. … Continue reading Do you know this Toxic E-Mailer? “Chatroom Chuck”
Here is a review of my book, wanted to share – Inbox Detox: If you’re anything like me, you can’t function without email. We rely on it daily for communication … Continue reading Klaus Givskov-Christensen on “Inbox Detox”
Following the “Golden Rule” applies just as much in e-mail transactions as in other life situations. By embracing the concept that you should treat your recipients the way you want … Continue reading Email Etiquette tip: Follow “The Golden Rule”
We all know the person who continually shares many jokes daily with his or her group list. Most people “ugh” when they see these come through, especially when they’re trying … Continue reading Email Etiquette tip: Save the jokes for your personal e-mail
While some of these may be cute, there is little need for them in a business environment. Emoticons sent via a business e-mail can paint an employee as puerile and … Continue reading Email Etiquette tip: Avoid emoticons, abbreviations, and smiley faces
When crafting an e-mail message, always keep in mind that the receiver cannot hear your tone of voice or notice your body language. Be aware of the potential for misinterpretation, … Continue reading Email Etiquette tip: Remember: the recipient cannot hear your tone
Your use of the BCC option could be interpreted as backstabbing, end runs, or mistrust. Consider this e-mail blind copied to “the boss”: From: Howdy Sent: January 19, 2:41 PM … Continue reading Email Etiquette tip: Beware the use of the BCC
Placing a large number of e-mail addresses of recipients who don’t know each other in the CC shares private information with many recipients. Indiscriminate copying can actually be viewed as … Continue reading Email Etiquette tip: Do not share large lists of e-mail addresses via CC
This practice could be the easiest and most effective etiquette practice. By incorporating the person’s first name in to the body of the e-mail, you will go a long way … Continue reading Email Etiquette tip: Personalize the message
AOL’s e-mail addiction survey had a very interesting statistic. 15% of the respondents admitted to checking e-mail in church, up from 12% last year. Now, I haven’t heard any reports … Continue reading Does the big guy in the sky use e-mail?