When we think about addiction, the first things that usually come to people’s minds are things like drugs and alcohol, before we think of more benign things such as particular … Continue reading Are You An Email Addict?
When we think about addiction, the first things that usually come to people’s minds are things like drugs and alcohol, before we think of more benign things such as particular … Continue reading Are You An Email Addict?
Just because we can, should we? Be connected to our work 24/7, that is? The advances in digital technology have been truly amazing –enabling us to be connected, well, constantly. … Continue reading Work 24/7… because we CAN?!!?!!
Maybe you’ve become aware of the fact that you can’t seem to stop yourself from refreshing your Gmail inbox, your Facebook homepage, or your endless Twitter feed. Maybe you’re a … Continue reading Unplugging on Vacation: Guest Post by Emily Matthews
Email can be extremely costly if not used effectively. When you consider the average recovery time from any interruption is about 4 minutes, you can imagine the cost to your … Continue reading Email Interruptions: Threat or Opportunity?
Thelma responds to just about every email, saying merely “thank you.” Though often meant as a courtesy, several of my clients say that one of the more frustrating e-mails they … Continue reading Do you Know this Toxic Emailer: Thankful Thelma
Toxic email habits have diffused the importance of daily planning, a key component of time management. People allow the delivery of new messages to continually interrupt and impose on their … Continue reading Arriving Emails Threaten Daily Planning
Do you know this e-mailer? (names have been changed to protect the guilty) Keyboard Kim’s fingers are locked to her keyboard. That’s all she does-tap away on those keys. No … Continue reading Do you know this toxic e-mailer? Keyboard Kim
More interesting “stuff” from Basex -“Workplace interruptions cost US economy $588 bn a year” by The EditorsFinancial Express, 01/09/2006 “Over the past decade, psychiatrist Edward Hallowell has seen a tenfold … Continue reading Work induced ADD?
Hey folks! The widely synicated Computer America radio show interviewed me last night on the subject of email “e-ddiction.” The link will be available for only 3 days, so click … Continue reading Computer America interview
I’m having trouble getting off of this latest AOL e-mail addiction survey.. 25%, or one out of four people who responded to the survey, admitted to checking their e-mail while … Continue reading So who is more important, your date or your e-mail?