
New Year: Time to Reflect and Project

With the New Year upon us, it is a great time to do this… so here are some questions that my coach, Winston Connor, challenged me with each year; you might find them helpful as you reflect back and look forward and outline your plans and objectives for the future.

Just remember; you’re more likely to achieve something if you write it down, so… get your pens ready! Here are links to a pdf and an editable word doc. Here goes:

As you reflect on this past year, what were your two or three most significant accomplishments, breakthroughs, and/or achievements?




Looking back over the year, what (if anything) blocked or held you back as you moved toward your goals/objectives?

Knowing what you know now, what would you have done differently? (While we can’t change what was, we can use this input/learning as we move forward.)

As you look forward to next year, what are your three (3) most significant goals that you wish to accomplish within the year? What will be different?




What are the top two or three things about your job/business that you most want to be different next year?




What two or three changes do you most want to see in your personal life? To be different?



If you are employed, where do you want to be (position, etc.) at the end of year? If you are in private practice, what do you want your practice/business to look like one year from now?

What actions are you prepared to take to reach your goals and objectives next year?

Having gotten clear on what you want to achieve next year, the next step is to develop the strategies and actions that will move you to reaching your desired outcomes.

Let’s prepare to make next year our most exciting, rewarding and personally fulfilling year on our journey.

Have a wonderful New Year!


PS. If you found value in this resource, please check out our online coaching resources on this website, sign up for our blog for weekly motivational challenges, and much more (mostly free!) to help you achieve the successes you desire.

