Your connections with people can be the magic of personal and professional success. Our latest mini-course features seven strategies you can use to build and strengthen that sphere of influence... Here are three of them.
- Excellence and Influence. The powerful side of building your sphere of influence comes with your delivering excellent quality and service. As you provide great service and quality work, your sphere of influence will start to work for you. People talk to people. Satisfied clients will refer you to others. Your sphere of influence is bound to expand.
- “Other focused.” “Other focused “is a key phrase in this quest to build your sphere of influence. If you show a true interest in the other person and avoid trying to talk about yourself in the first several minutes of the conversation, you will go a long way to building what can be a mutually beneficial relationship.
- Follow up and follow though. Influential people follow through. You will build your sphere of influence by being consistent and trustworthy. If you said you’ll send him or her a link to a great article, send it. If you promised to call someone to get a question answered, make the call. Your sphere will get to know that you can be counted on.
For access to our full mini-course, and many others, join our online coaching group here.
“You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough people get what they want.” – Zig Ziglar
Hi all. Great to be back with you. This quarter, in our new online coaching group we have focused on leadership and influence. So it is top of mind for this quarterly issue. I hope you find some helpful tips.
A few updates:
- Open to the public: On May 24, 11:30 EDT, we invite everyone to join our webinar, “How to Deal with Difficult People.” Spend a very fast-moving hour with us, and learn a few tips about how to deal with that Crabby Appleton or Debbie Downer. Here is the Zoom link.
- Mini-courses: Here are some of the mini-courses (under 20 minutes of success boosting) we have developed for our Great Points Coaching Group. Just another teaser to check us out.
- High Performance Goal Setting
- Ten Tips to Manage Your Priorities
- Actions You Can Take to Build Your Sphere of Influence (mentioned above)
- Insta! Please follow us at marshadegan for motivating career and success tips. And a few pictures of our rescue Gracie, of course.
"Networking is an enrichment program, not an entitlement program." -- Susan Roane
"The single greatest 'people skill' is a highly developed and authentic interest in the other person." -- Bob Burg
"Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them." -- Steve Jobs
Our Coaching Group : Our new coaching group and its website “Great Points Coaching Online” can be a great investment. And it is very budget friendly, intentionally so. If you have ever considered investing in coaching but were turned off by the price, check us out. Our monthly LIVE webinars alone justify the $97 annual subscription. (Less than $7/month!) And if you join us on May 24, you will be eligible for our second quarter special.