February 15, 2018

So, what about giving feedback to your boss?!!!

When we embarked on our 2018 project that focused on how to give feedback to employees, and when we asked all of you what your most important question about giving feedback, we were surprised that at least 10% of the questions had to do with how to give feedback to your boss.

A challenge, for sure!

But we are up to a challenge, and for the remainder of this month, we will pontificate, share wisdom, and generally muse or amuse about the topic of how to give feedback to your boss, and how to build that relationship even farther...

It lends itself to a lot about what NOT to do, but there are strategies that can help you build relationships with your boss that we will also share. And here are a few to start:

  • Proactive communication. When there is an issue, be upfront about it and avoid your boss being surprised. The same for good news too.
  • Transparency. Tell the truth. The best boss/subordinate relationships are those that have extreme trust. Transparency builds that.
  • Preparation. Anticipate what is needed for the project or what is needed by the boss. Don't make him or her task you with finding out information that you could have easily secured prior to the meeting.
  • Solution Orientation. You will rise above the crowd by not only defining the problem (which most subordinates are really good at) but offering a well thought out recommended solution. Just remember, bosses want solutions, not problems.
  • Advance the Boss. The better you make your boss look, the better things will be for everyone, including yourself.

Look for our Monday Motivators, blog posts, and podcasts on this challenging subject, and don't hesitate to check out our newest release, "The Feedback Formula."

Want to Motivate the boss? How about a Little Sincerity! - (20 second read)

Stop Caring about What the Boss Thinks... - (20 second read)

When was the Last Time You Thanked Your Boss? - (10 second read)

Here's is an easy one. When the boss does a good job, send a very quick email acknowledging the win, and commenting on the quality of the work, specifically.

Just remember, bosses are people too, and very rarely get the "warm fuzzies" that so many employees EXPECT from their bosses.

"Good leadership isn't about advancing yourself. It's about advancing your team." — John Maxwell

"An employee's motivation is a direct result of the sum of interactions with his or her manager." — Bob Nelson

"Feedback is the breakfast of champions." — Ken Blanchard

Your challenge this month is to focus on continually enhancing your relationship with your boss. It is not really about "managing your boss" but managing your relationship with him or her. Watch for more tips and land mines to avoid.

Check out our popular Feedback Formula package.

As your coach

As your facilitator

As your workshop leader

As your keynote speaker

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