February 2, 2017

"Two Four Six Eight – Who do we APPRECIATE?" Remember that? That cheer?

I think that appreciation and motivation go hand in hand. It has fascinated me to watch the magic that happens when people are appreciated...

And it confounds me that it is not used as much as it could be. After all— It takes so little time. It is free. It makes the appreciator feel good. And the recipient feel warm. And many times motivated.

Focusing on who and what we appreciate can give us a pause. Kinda like taking a yoga breath. Instead of succumbing to the ongoing treadmill of what needs to be done next, taking that moment to sit back and notice the little (and big) things we appreciate can be a re-energizer.

This month's newsletter is about appreciation. After all it IS Valentine's Month. Scroll down for tips, quick bits and motivators that really work.

And declare February your month to heighten your appreciation. There are a lot of people out there who can use acknowledgement, appreciation, and yes, love.

Praise is a Gift that Keeps on Giving (20 second read)

The Secret to Motivation (30 second read)

Use This Tool to Motivate Your Peeps (60 second podcast )

Yes, you CAN use email to show your appreciation (although I always encourage and prefer to recommend in person props.) If you do, here are three tips

  • Devote the email message to just the appreciation or recognition. Don't muddy it with another work detail.
  • Give brief and specific details of the acknowledgement.
  • Judiciously copy the boss or the team when it is appropriate.

If you want your appreciation to be received well, use these five points:

  1. Be sincere. You've gotta feel it so they feel it.
  2. Be present. Use eye contact, a smile, and your own unique style.
  3. Be quick. The closer your appreciation is to the event, the better.
  4. Be specific. Describe the details of your acknowledgement.
  5. Be patient. Once you've shared your praise, let it sink in.

"Nine-tenths of wisdom is appreciation. Go find somebody's hand and squeeze it... while there is still time." Dale Dauten

Here's your February challenge: Declare this month as "Appreciation Month" - your month to ramp up your appreciation, acknowledgement and recognition.

  • Increase your reflection about who and what you appreciate. Set a brief time aside daily.
  • Share your appreciation with others in creative ways.

We have 2 Deals for you this month

F r e e! A Rec-Ignition Sampler

Half price: Rec-Ignition E-Minders, Reminders and recognition tips and ideas, twice a week for a year. Use FEBRUARY at checkout.

As your coach

As your facilitator

As your workshop leader

As your keynote speaker

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