It doesn’t take much.
It isn’t difficult.
It doesn’t make you vulnerable.
Motivating tip: Share your sincere appreciation or observation!
The authentic, specific, caring comment that you make, may be replayed,
reviewed, and revered by that employee far longer than the cookie cutter comment in a staff meeting, “Your team did a good job with the Presentation.”
Instead, notice what is/was unique, commendable, helpful, and make a very specific, sincere comment, looking the employee right in the eye, and staying quiet after the comment, just to let it sink in.
“I want to especially acknowledge how you mentored Susie in the development of the presentation. Her slides have shown noticeable improvement, especially the way she incorporated the graphs into the last three slides. I saw you working with her yesterday, and thank you for your initiative.”
This is the stuff that people brag about to their families. It makes them smile. It motivates them to do even better.
Here’s the challenge:
Keep a record of your specific, sincere comments for one week.
I trust you will be surprised with the number. Then do better the next week.
And watch the energy in your department grow.