Here’s your Monday Motivator – make some rules to help you honor your boundaries.
I’m not saying make a rule for every situation, but sometimes when you articulate the line that should be drawn as a personal or professional rule, it could be easier for you to enforce.
As an example, you might make a rule that you will not make work-related calls in the evenings. You might set a boundary around how much time you work on work related items in the evenings or weekends, for example, “I will spend no more than three hours on work on Saturdays and Sundays.” Another might be, “I won’t check email within one hour of going to bed.”
Can you create 3 rules this weekthat will help you guide your success?
Just remember, there will always be exceptions to rules, and some of these suggested rules may not be appropriate for your current position. Over use of rules can be career limiting, but I think you get my drift…