Monday Motivator by Ken Blanchard – Influence?

“The key to successful leadership is influence, not authority.”
–Ken Blanchard

Are you an influencer or a commander?

Here are three short tips supporting the above quote:

  1. Inspire through Vision: Like Steve Jobs, articulate a clear and compelling vision to motivate and guide your team.
  2. Lead by Example: Emulate Mahatma Gandhi by demonstrating integrity and commitment to your principles to earn respect and influence.
  3. Advocate with Passion: Follow Malala Yousafzai’s example by passionately advocating for a cause, using your story and dedication to inspire others.

One thought on “Monday Motivator by Ken Blanchard – Influence?”

  1. Influence and guidance in leadership is much better than authority. Most people do not like being “ordered” to accomplish a vision.

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