Here are several tips for managing email when you are out:
– Let people know you are out of the office. When you know you will be gone, let people know, and to keep emails to only the “most important.” You’ll be amazed at how little email you will get.
– Use the “out-of-office” responder. Most email programs have a capability to automatically respond with an out of office notification. Be specific as to who can help in your absence, by giving phone and email references.
– Schedule time to catch up. You know that you will have email to read and handle. You know it will take longer than your normal time. Schedule it as one of the first things you do upon return.
– Have an assistant organize you. If you are lucky enough to have an assistant, have them categorize and organize your work for you. Depending on the level of capability, he or she can possibly handle several of your items.