Sometimes selling yourself is not about “show casing” your wares.
Sometimes it is about being transparent, and honest, and actually asking for help.
People who have self confidence are not afraid to ask for help.
And people who are authentic only ask for help when they truly need or want it.
Think of this: Someone in your organization needs assistance in presenting a program for clients. He knows that you are great with electronic media and enabling PowerPoint presentations. You can do it, but it is not your forte. He asks you to partner with him, explaining his goals and making you part of the success of the presentation. He, in effect, has just sold you on his goal, and his ability to achieve it by recognizing that others can HELP him accomplish it. You just “sold yourself” to him.
Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.
Note: This is our 7th post in a 10 part series dealing with personal marketing strategies. Many people struggle with the idea that they have to sell themselves, either corporately or in their own businesses, and these posts are intended to help them get over that hurdle. Watch for these posts in the next few months, or subscribe to our blog to receive them automatically in your inbox!