Are you so skittish about damaging a relationship or de-motivating a team member that you don’t give developmental feedback? You are not alone. It is unpleasant. Not fun. Can be seen as hurtful.
Yet, it is probably more hurtful to NOT give the feedback than to wish it away Because, really, that’s what we are doing, isn’t it?
Who can blame you, really? Everyone wants to be liked, and we all know you get more flies with honey than with vinegar.
However, you aren’t doing anyone any favors if you don’t give feedback. The employee suffers, and in the end so does the whole organization.
By not giving performance feedback, you are indirectly telling the employee that the way they are behaving or working is correct.
If they are not “improving” it might rest on your shoulders, not theirs. After all, do they know what to work on if you don’t share those thoughts?
And the problem just grows and grows. Each manager solves the problem by foisting the employee onto someone else. This can go on for years. When the time comes to cut the person loose, you have the perfect recipe for a lawsuit because the employee had no reason to believe they weren’t the perfect employee all along.
Is this you? Do you “wish it away?” Do you indirectly mention the issue in vague terms in a staff meeting? Stop that! Give the feedback. Use these formulas.
It is like taking off a bandage. Do it succinctly, clearly, and as quickly as possible after the misstep. When you use our formulas, the employee will own the behavior shift. The behavior will shift.
And you’ll both thrive…
NOTE: This is an excerpt of our book, “The Feedback Formula” available on Amazon.