Email Productivity Gems

Email Productivity Gems – 100 Points to 100 Precious More Hours

“An eBook on steroids!”


What will YOU do with over 100 precious more hours this year?

  • Spend it with family?
  • Exercise?
  • Read books?
  • Have fun with friends?
  • Be more effective at work?
  • Sleep?????????????

Email Productivity Gems to the rescue!

We launched our new digital resource, Email Productivity Gems: 100 Points to 100 Precious More Hours during the 10th annual Clean Out your inbox Week.

It contains at least 100 tips that will help you reclaim hundreds of hours annually.

-10 Quick audios
-30 Short videos

This tip filled digital compilation of audio, video and written “points” will unblock the obstacles that have derailed your productivity.

Email Productivity Gems: 100 Points to 100 Precious More Hours.

Consider this…

Toxic e-mailing practices are habits that need to be changed. Just like you need to finish a 10 day prescription of antibiotics rather than just take one pill, habit changes work best with focused attention over time.

Shifting e-mailing habits requires focus, commitment, and ongoing attention. Because it takes anywhere from 20 to 28 days to change a habit, keeping these positive e-mailing practices present for at least a month is the focus you need.

Don’t wait. You are most likely losing at least an hour of productivity per day due to less than savvy e-mail practices.

Just think, what will you do with an extra 5 hours this coming week? Or, annualized, 250 precious more hours in 2017?

Order now!

Only $27

More on our “Gems”

Here are a sampling of the headings for the 100 gems:

Your mindset
Resolve that your email is under your control — not the other way around.
Give up 24-7 connected-ness.
The scary truth about interruptions
Interruptions suck. Know why.
Turn off your auto send and receive function.
De-ding yourself.
Stop using email urgently.
How do I decide what is most important?
Don’t fool yourself, the most recent ain’t the highest priority.
Make it a priority to focus 100%.
Daily planning
Doing email is NOT a separate task.
Build the sorting and handling of e-mail into your daily plan
Set specific times to sort messages.
The longest interval you can stand!
So, how many times a day should you check your email?
Gut check your checking.
Inbox management
Stop using your inbox as a to do list.
Treat your email inbox like you do a physical mailbox.
SORTing vs. WORKing.
Stop scrolling, strolling and trolling.
If you open it, move it.
Employ the four D’s
When in doubt, throw it out.
Touch it TWICE
The magical empty inbox.
Set a time limit for the time you spend in your inbox
How to manage pending items.
Multiple email accounts.
O – O – O
Recovering from O – O – O
Folders and labels
Folder philosophy
Your most important folder
Keeping track of messages that require follow-up.
For “reference” only.
Bag the subfolders.
Finding email messages
The message
Subject lines that work 31
Yes you can—use the subject line as the message
Getting action from your subject lines.
The nasty truth about your readers.
What is your main point?
Three sentences.
Use only one subject per email.
Attach, or not.
You make me wanna SHOUT!
For the lengthy email message…
Responding to a lengthy email message.
Sometimes the best email is a phone call.
Discuss THEN Confirm.
Late-night emailing is not a badge of honor.
Do you really need to respond immediately?
Age your email before you reply. FFT.
Are you your own worst enemy?
So, when SHOULD you reply?
When to email (or not)
Your first choice.
The hazard of choosing to send an email.
Do you need to respond to every email?
Use the “two is enough” rule.
Sleep is the better choice.
When dialogue is needed…
Avoid controversial, emotional or argumentative emailing.
Constructive email is an oxymoron.
When in doubt…
Forward thinking
The power forward.
Speaking of forwarding: when to change the subject line…
The ping effect
Send less email.
Stop using reply all.
Who to copy
Involving others
Leverage your staff (e.g. personal assistant, etc.) to screen your email.
Encouraging others to use best practices.
Maintaining control
Turn off the dang ding!
Purge Purge Purge.
Automating Stuff
Manage your e-mail with rules.
Create and use various auto signatures or canned responses.
Use preview pane or auto preview
One click unsubscribe
Syncing your email with your smart phone
Stop it at the door
The serial unsubscriber
Use rules for your “hobbies.”
How to handle the jokester.
Discouraging Junk
Ways to stop spam varies by email service.
Don’t take candy from strangers.
Go to the horse’s mouth.
Use the preview.
To unsubscribe or not…
Blocking spam
Use your email service’s filters
Keep the filter on.
Tighten the filter.
Getting results from your messages
Keep your proposals from getting lost
Want someone to read your email pronto?
The power of a name.
“To line” matters.
Why you need a detailed auto signature
What to include in your auto signature.
Impacting others
Consider the overall time of the transaction
Pet peeves
Don’t be a weekend emailing jerk.
Meeting by email? Really?
Emailing while on the phone – NOT smart, or productive!!!
When to NOT use the BCC line…
The new you
Cleanse your current inbox.
Step one: get to zero. Step two: stay there
Give it a month.

Here is a sample “gem”

Gut check your checking.

Ready for a gut check? Here’s something to try: Pick a day, and count each time you look at your inbox.  Tic marks are all you need. Go ahead. Then at the end of the day, count them up. How do you stack up? The average is about 70. Not to say that that should be your goal…

We’ve advocated checking your inbox 5 times a day for the average office emailer.

So that means that for the average guy or gal, that is 65 less times. Think about this–how much time do you think each of those inbox-peeks costs? Most people don’t just look at the inbox, they open a few, and try to get rid of a few. Many unfortunately get drawn into working some of the small stuff just to try to keep the numbers down.

If this feels familiar, don’t despair – you’re not alone. Self knowledge is an asset.

Why it Works:

Believe this: it IS possible to check your email less. The less you check it the more productive you’ll be. The key is for you to TAKE control of your habits, and decide when you’ll check, rather when your email wants you to…

Whatever works for you…

The great thing about this eBook package is that you can read it all, or chunk it into pieces that work for you. Add the other resources in the package to supplement and remind you of the best practices that will enhance your productivity.