Clean Out Your Inbox Week, Day 6: 10 More Tips!

International Clean Out Your Inbox Week
Day 6:✨
As International Clean Out Your Inbox Week comes to an end we wanted to leave you with 10 final tips to help you with your inbox management:

1️⃣Create e-folders to hold action items – avoid using your inbox as a “to do” list
2️⃣Rename or add to the subject line of received e-mails
3️⃣Return e-mail requests with phone calls
4️⃣Avoid the tendency to “work” newly received e-mails if they are less important than your current project
5️⃣Open your e-mail with the intention of sorting your new items
6️⃣Sort your e-mail in order from top to bottom or bottom to top – avoid scrolling
7️⃣Copy only the people who REALLY need to see your message
8️⃣Use “if/then” verbiage
9️⃣Turn off automatic send/receive and turn off all dings and flashes
🔟 Send less e-mail

Managing your inbox can be stressful. So,
the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed,
remember these tips above! ✨📧 Do you
have any tips that we should add to the list?

Click here for even more tips!

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