Keyboard Kim’s fingers are locked to her keyboard. That’s all she does – tap away on those keys… When I ask clients if they have ever e-mailed to the person … Continue reading Do you Know this Toxic emailer? Keyboard Kim
Keyboard Kim’s fingers are locked to her keyboard. That’s all she does – tap away on those keys… When I ask clients if they have ever e-mailed to the person … Continue reading Do you Know this Toxic emailer? Keyboard Kim
Somewhat related to the copy happy emailer is the person who sends blind copies of emails to “interested” parties. This practice is akin to “playing rat.” It can be viewed … Continue reading Do you know this toxic emailer? Blind Copy Callie
When forwarding multiple appended e-mails, either highlight the key points to which you are referring, or delete the extraneous information. This is a very respectful action that will save the … Continue reading Email tip: Clean up forwarded e-mails.
By incorporating detail into your subject lines, you enable the recipient to more easily sort, categorize, prioritize and file your message. “Please bring the attached handout to the Tuesday, 2/10 … Continue reading Write very specific subject lines
Hate having a Cluttered Desk? Then why are there so many messages in your inbox? Keeping numerous emails in your inbox is akin to keeping all of your paper tasks … Continue reading Hate Having a Cluttered Desk?
The main goal of proper inbox maintenance is to keep your inbox available for newly-received items. Don’t get the shakes… it IS possible, and it DOES work. Emptying your inbox does … Continue reading E-mail Management Best Practice: Flush your Inbox
The information overload that we’re all feeling has prompted alot of affected techy people to create cool solutions to help with the problem. I think that’s great. As an example, … Continue reading Technology can help you manage your inbox, but you need to manage yourself too…