Having trouble with life balance? Start with your priorities first! Here are some questions that can help… Take a quick listen.
Category: Success Strategies
Two for One Priorities
This fast paced world has created challenges for all of us to get things done… to honor our priorities. So many, how to keep allll those balls in the air, … Continue reading Two for One Priorities
Monday Motivator: Whose Priorities?
Here is your challenge for the week… Audit your to do list. Place a star next to every task that relates to your own personal or professional goals. Are you … Continue reading Monday Motivator: Whose Priorities?
Busted! Caught You Misplacing Your Priorities!
So many times I’ve heard smart and energetic people lament that they just can’t seem to get their important stuff done–other things get in the way. Here’s the truth. Your … Continue reading Busted! Caught You Misplacing Your Priorities!
Monday Motivator: Use Your Rhythm
Help! How in the World do I Choose My Priorities?
Wow. I get this question alot. And as a coach, my job is NOT to tell you what your priorities should be–we can’t know your hopes, dreams and desires. Our … Continue reading Help! How in the World do I Choose My Priorities?
Monday Motivator: Take the Long View
Here is your thought for the week (or maybe longer, speaking of a LONG view!) Complete this statement: “Gee, I’ve always wanted to…” When you have your answer, you’ve just … Continue reading Monday Motivator: Take the Long View
The Priority Funnel
Monday Motivator: Try a Boundary
Check Yourself on Your Work and Life Balance
Work/Life Balance – A Mathematical Exercise?
Work/life balance is NOT a mathematical exercise to make sure that each day is perfectly balanced. It is a state of mind that allows us permission to be satisfied in the … Continue reading Work/Life Balance – A Mathematical Exercise?