“If you have nothing to say, say nothing.” —Mark Twain Boy I know a bunch of people who need to embrace this simple, but valuable quote…
Community is essential. The people you surround yourself with can reinforce your story, raise the bar, and egg you on. That community becomes an integral part of your story of … Continue reading Monday Motivator: Seth Godin on Community
In business, we can get in trouble when we take things personally. This applies to how we perceive ourselves as we market ourselves. To our clients, to our bosses, to … Continue reading Personal Marketing: Are you Selling a Product or a Person?
These are indeed trying times. I’ve heard of the many struggles with finding activities to feed your soul during this COVI 19 crisis quarantine. Here is something to consider… Write … Continue reading Looking to Fill some Time? Try This COVID Activity…
This month we have been talking about boundaries. A great way to think about setting boundaries is to see it as defining your own behavior, not someone else’s. So, this … Continue reading Monday Motivator: Define Your OWN Behavior
One of the best ways to build your network is to connect two people who need each others’ services. Or to connect one person to another whose services you recommend. … Continue reading Monday Motivator: Be a Connector
Wonder when in your business conversation to ask for a business card? Listen to this brief podcast for the answer… and hints about how to manage the biz card once … Continue reading Great Points Podcast: When to Ask for a Business Card, and More…
I get asked this networking question all the time. “How in the world do I start a conversation with someone I don’t know?!” Whether is it how to start the … Continue reading How to Start a Networking Convo…