The value of “throwing someone under the bus.” There is none. It DOESN’T work… So why do we see this behavior happening, repeatedly, in most business and professional organizations? First … Continue reading “Under the Bus” Strategies That Work
The value of “throwing someone under the bus.” There is none. It DOESN’T work… So why do we see this behavior happening, repeatedly, in most business and professional organizations? First … Continue reading “Under the Bus” Strategies That Work
I’ll bet you could tell me exactly when the last time someone gave you a meaningful compliment. In fact, I’ll bet you can remember exactly what the person said that … Continue reading When was the last time you got a compliment?
It’s lonely at the top, or so the saying goes. I don’t agree – I reckon that, if you’re lonely in leadership, then you’re missing an important lesson. Really successful … Continue reading Are You A Lonely Leader?
Time and time again, I have worked with leaders and managers to help them to delegate more effectively, and even more than that, to delegate MORE! Yet, even the most skilled … Continue reading Delegating Success: How and Why YOU Should Delegate More
Nearly all of us have a need to work as part of a team with others, whether it’s in the workplace, on a committee, in sporting pastimes or even as … Continue reading Team-Working – Or Not?
How often have you sat in a meeting, utterly bored, feeling your creativity and energy proverbially dribbling out of your ears?What makes a meeting an energy flop? Do you want … Continue reading Avoiding the Meeting Energy Flop