How is it that we get so caught up in doing stuff that we overlook the important effort in helping ourselves improve? One of the reasons is that we tend … Continue reading 5 Ways to Invest in Yourself
How is it that we get so caught up in doing stuff that we overlook the important effort in helping ourselves improve? One of the reasons is that we tend … Continue reading 5 Ways to Invest in Yourself
Everything is changing so fast! I hear this comment almost daily. And the reality of it is, — it’s true! The changes that we are experiencing today are significantly more … Continue reading 5 Tips on Dealing With Change
We’re all familiar with a declaration of independence. It’s how our nation was formed. We also know the concept of dependence. It has quite negative connotations surrounding an inability to … Continue reading I’m Declaring Inter-Dependence!
If there’s one thing most of us hate to admit to, that we try to hide and put a good deal effort into trying to minimize, it’s our errors. I’ve … Continue reading Errors are not the Enemy!
Have you ever seen a circus plate-spinner? Those people who spin flatware on tall spikes, dashing frantically from plate to plate to keep them airborne as, if they let their … Continue reading Set Boundaries to Help Overcome Overload
A recent IPSOS poll reported by USA Today says that many well-to-do Americans are still very uncertain about the economy, with 63% believing the US to still be in recession, … Continue reading Employee Retention – Your Secret Weapon
Do you feel the need to ‘watch your back’ at work? How about your friends and family? What percentage of people do you think feel that they need to do … Continue reading Trust Cuts to the Quick
Isn’t technology amazing? Scarcely 30 years ago, one computer filled an entire room. Less than 20 years ago, a cellphone was practically the size of a cinder block and weighed … Continue reading The Power of the ‘Off’ Switch
We work hard at developing our careers, carefully crafting our futures and growing our experience and skill sets. Too often, we fail to realize how easy to is to undo … Continue reading How to Trash Your Own Career in 9 Easy Lessons
Wherever you go, some people just seem to be more productive than others. What’s their secret? Indeed, sometimes entire workplaces seem super-productive. It’s no secret that these highly productive workplaces … Continue reading Nine Secrets of Super-Productive People
The holiday season is looming, and we’re all getting ready to party, but while this time of year can be hazardous to our waistlines and our wallets, there’s one event … Continue reading How to Survive Your Office Party