Are you so skittish about damaging a relationship or de-motivating a team member that you don’t give developmental feedback? You are not alone. It is unpleasant. Not fun. Can be … Continue reading Delaying Feedback Doesn’t Help Anyone
Are you so skittish about damaging a relationship or de-motivating a team member that you don’t give developmental feedback? You are not alone. It is unpleasant. Not fun. Can be … Continue reading Delaying Feedback Doesn’t Help Anyone
Why do so many resolutions not make it past the first week of January? As we rush headlong towards the start of a New Year, isn’t it amazing how time … Continue reading Resolutions? Bah Humbug. Set Goals Instead!
Everyone procrastinates. Let’s just try to procrastinate less. Here are some tips: 1. Stop thinking about how large or complex a task is. Instead, start with just one part of … Continue reading Why Do It Today? Procrastinate!
Want to be more productive? Easy – Minimize your “brain clutter! OK, so what IS brain clutter? Just as it sounds – too much in or on the brain. Just … Continue reading Brain Clutter – Your Productivity Sapper!
Have you heard of the “blackberry prayer?” It is what you see when someone is checking his or her smart phone under a table. Yes, it looks something like praying, … Continue reading The “Blackberry Prayer” and Meetings – NOT Good!
Seriously. When was the last time you invested in yourself? Instead of doing things for everybody else all the time, it pays invest in yourself… That might mean going to … Continue reading When was the Last Time You Invested in Yourself?
Whenever someone says, “I want some time management training,” I try to shift their focus. Here’s the point: it’s not time management, it’s life management. When you think time management, … Continue reading It’s NOT Time Managment…
Cell phone usage and texting have grown to a leading factor in automobile accidents. As of this writing only 9 states have legislated against texting while driving. That means that … Continue reading DWT (Driving while Texting) Policy? It is smart business.
Congrats or your appointment as committee chairman! Here’s a little secret… The chairperson is, most of all, a coordinator, energizer and a facilitator. That’s the secret. You say “Duh.” But … Continue reading A New Committee Chairman? Here’s a Little Secret
As you go up the corporate ladder, the number of email messages received seems to increase exponentially. While its understandable that the air becomes more rare, and there are fewer … Continue reading Does the boss really want copies of all your emails?
I get this question a lot – “How Do I Motivate Others to Want to Improve?” The age old response is that you can’t. You can’t motivate others to want to … Continue reading How Do I Motivate Others to Want to Improve?