If there’s one thing most of us hate to admit to, that we try to hide and put a good deal effort into trying to minimize, it’s our errors. I’ve … Continue reading Errors are not the Enemy!
If there’s one thing most of us hate to admit to, that we try to hide and put a good deal effort into trying to minimize, it’s our errors. I’ve … Continue reading Errors are not the Enemy!
Have you ever seen a circus plate-spinner? Those people who spin flatware on tall spikes, dashing frantically from plate to plate to keep them airborne as, if they let their … Continue reading Set Boundaries to Help Overcome Overload
Isn’t technology amazing? Scarcely 30 years ago, one computer filled an entire room. Less than 20 years ago, a cellphone was practically the size of a cinderblock and weighed about … Continue reading The Power of the ‘Off’ Switch
When I was a child, my father’s favorite line when disciplining me was ‘I’ll always love you, but sometimes I don’t like what you do’. No matter how well a … Continue reading You Can’t Change People, but You Can Change Their Behavior