Toxic email habits have diffused the importance of daily planning, a key component of time management. People allow the delivery of new messages to continually interrupt and impose on their … Continue reading Arriving Emails Threaten Daily Planning
Toxic email habits have diffused the importance of daily planning, a key component of time management. People allow the delivery of new messages to continually interrupt and impose on their … Continue reading Arriving Emails Threaten Daily Planning
Urgent Ursula sends emails when she needs something ASAP. She expects that her subordinates have their email open and are anxiously awaiting her electronic gifts. She doesn’t consider that her … Continue reading Do you Know this Toxic Emailer: Urgent Ursula
It was “music to my ears” or “beauty to my eyes” when I received this email autoresponse from Tim Dodge: From: “Tim Dodge” Date: xxx To: <[email protected]> Subject: Auto-reply: Your … Continue reading Check Email only a few times a day – here’s how one person does it
Does this sound familiar? You open your inbox, and see a bunch of messages. You scan them up and down. Then you pick one to open. Perhaps you handle it, … Continue reading Email Tip: Work Through Your Inbox Messages in Order
Hate having a Cluttered Desk? Then why are there so many messages in your inbox? Keeping numerous emails in your inbox is akin to keeping all of your paper tasks … Continue reading Hate Having a Cluttered Desk?
Have you ever received an Email Message like this? Hi everyone! I’d like to try what I’ll call a “virtual meeting”- I’d like to throw out a question and get … Continue reading Meet by E-Mail? Let’s blog instead!
The minute you send an urgent email to a co-worker or subordinate, you’ve just infected them. Email is a great tool. It is efficient, effective, and inexpensive! It was never … Continue reading Urgent Emails are TOXIC!
How many times have you heard someone say, “I’ve gotta do e-mail?” Or, how many times have you said it yourself? Consider this. E-mail itself is not a task. It … Continue reading Do you “Do E-mail” or “Sort your Work?”
Before you started noodling through all the messages that are in your inbox, try a new perspective. Think of an emergency room intake nurse. The nurse “triages” patients based on their … Continue reading Trouble Managing Your E-Mail? Behave Like an E-mergency Room Nurse
Here’s something to try: Pick a day, and Count each time you look at your inbox. Tic marks are all you need. Go ahead. Then at the end of the … Continue reading Dare to count the number of times you check your inbox daily
Email is NOT a meeting! Some people use e-mail to “discuss” issues and gain opinions. Each time an opinion question is sent to numerous people or to a group list, … Continue reading Email Best Practices: Email is NOT a Meeting