Wassamatter?! Don’t you trust me? I can see using this in a potentially legal situation, but other than that, give it a rest. Oh. And besides, it takes time to … Continue reading Email Pet Peeve: Read Receipts
Wassamatter?! Don’t you trust me? I can see using this in a potentially legal situation, but other than that, give it a rest. Oh. And besides, it takes time to … Continue reading Email Pet Peeve: Read Receipts
I really don’t need to see an autoresponder that says “Thanks for your message. I will respond to you as soon as I can.” Duh… What is YOUR Pet e-peeve? … Continue reading Email Pet Peeve: Senseless Autoresponders
This one is just plain rude. Take a moment and tell me what is in the attachment. One brief sentence will do nicely. What is YOUR Pet e-peeve? We’d love … Continue reading Email Pet Peeve: Attachment and no body
So you have done the right thing by sending information to someone. they see the message and call you, saying, I don’t have time to read the email, can you … Continue reading Email Pet Peeve: People who call you because they’re too busy to read your email
Yech. I hate it when someone underlines a word in an email message. I think it is a hyperlink! Bold it. italicize it. enlarge it. Just don’t underline it… What … Continue reading Email Pet Peeve: Underlines
So you see an older message from one of your co-workers or clients with the subject of “Requesting time to meet”, and it reminds you that you agreed to send … Continue reading Email Pet Peeve: Using an old message to start a new topic
This is an actual email message I just received. It went to a group list of over 100 people. Hi there, Please email me at namechangedtoprotecttheinnocent@yahoo.com if you are currently … Continue reading Email Pet Peeve: No common sense…
I know I am not alone in this… You’ve experienced receiving these email messages–the ones whose subject lines are the same as they were 2 months ago, even though the … Continue reading Email Pet Peeve: Forwarded Subject Lines that No Longer Make Sense
I just LOVE those messages that have those darn carets. you know – these: >>> >>>> >>>> >>>> [picappgallerysingle id=”294948″]>>>That’s right >>>Carets. >>>They are unnecessary and annoying >>>and they multiply … Continue reading Email Pet Peeve: >>>> Carets and Double Carets