It is pretty well acknowledged that your ability to be successful in what ever area you choose relates to your ability to focus. To focus on the learning, to focus … Continue reading Focus and multitasking – friend or foe?
It is pretty well acknowledged that your ability to be successful in what ever area you choose relates to your ability to focus. To focus on the learning, to focus … Continue reading Focus and multitasking – friend or foe?
Sometimes I have to get on my soap box about rewarding the wrong behavior. This is a classic example. You have two performers, and each is expected to complete 100 … Continue reading Are you rewarding the wrong behavior?
Usually, we think about setting boundaries when something isn’t working quite right either physically or emotionally. A coworker being rude to you at work… People speaking too loudly outside your … Continue reading The Thing about Boundaries…
Here’s your Monday Motivator: Pick up the phone… Instead of emailing, emailing, emailing… Find just 3 times to make a call today instead of defaulting to email. You’ll resolve it sooner, … Continue reading Monday Motivator: One Way to Give Your Inbox a Rest
Today’s motivational challenge is for you to think back on a person who has impacted your life, and thank him or her for it. It doesn’t have to be a … Continue reading Monday Motivator: Remember Your Mentor
We all fall into that trap. The one hour meeting. We schedule it in our calendars. We go. Then we either compress 90 minutes of material into that hour, or … Continue reading Say NO to the One Hour Meeting!
Do you respond to others by saying “no problem?” If you do, it most likely IS a problem, or at minimum, NOT the best response. Listen to this podcast to … Continue reading No Problem? That’s a Problem
Way to go Meghan Casserly – alot of great tips on how to NOT email on the job. Here’s the link. And for a quick excerpt, “People do or say … Continue reading Quoted in Forbes! “Ten Emails That Could Cost You Your Job”
Are you an email flipper? Waaaaaa? Wadyamean, flipper? An email flipper is a person who can’t bear just let an email “rest.” In other words, you receive an email, … Continue reading Email Etiquette: Are You an “Email Flipper?”