Small changes can make big differences in your journey to success. We call these "Great Points." Join Marsha Egan, CSP, PCC, professional coach and success strategist for brief yet hard hitting suggestions that can make your life even more productive, fulfilling and prosperous.

Look for our new podcast episodes on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month.

Great Point Podcast – Boundaries to the Rescue

If you feel like a plate spinner – too much to do – too many things to do – all at the same time, setting boundaries will rescue you! Listen to this 3 1/2 minute podcast for the why and how…


DeBunking The Dreaded One Hour Meeting

Whether a meeting should take a half hour, fifteen minutes, an hour or 90 minutes, you can almost bank on that meeting taking the dreaded one hour. Listen to this Great Points podcast on how to debunk the dreaded one hour meeting.


You Should Use These Three Words at Every Meeting!

Listen to this “Great Points” podcast on the three most important words that create action and accountability, and… RESULTS!


Great Points Podcast: When to Ask for a Business Card, and More…

Wonder when in your business conversation to ask for a business card? Listen to this brief podcast for the answer… and hints about how to manage the biz card once you’ve gotten it.


Great Point Podcast: Two Magical Words, but with One Contingency…

This week’s “great point” is about two words that are just magical when used. Correctly.

Listen to this brief podcast to discover a tool you should never forget.


Great Points Podcast – C’mon – Appreciate SOMEbody

Here’s a “great point” that you shouldn’t miss!


Great Points Podcast: Values? Goals? What’s the Difference?

Here is your Friday “Great Points”podcast on the difference between values and goals, and even some sample values! Also, be sure to visit my iTunes channel for a lot of 1-3 minute audio success tips…


5 Ways to Embrace Change

With change all around us, and our natural tendencies to resist it, learning to accept and embrace change faster rather than slower can be a real career asset.

Listen to this “Great  points” podcast  with five great points  on how to do it …


Great Points Podcast: 7 Ways to Reduce Stress

Don’t let the holidays (or any other days) stress you out…

Here is a quick, 3 minute “listen” with some tactics that will help.


Time Management? Tell others!

One of the missing strategies in many peoples’ time management practices is that they are hesitant to let others know what their time management plans and needs are.

Listen to this brief podcast on why this is important, with a few tips on how to make it work…
