Here’s your challenge for the week — For every meeting you attend, in person or virtual, ditch the PDA. Yes. Take it off the table. Put it on silent (you … Continue reading Monday Motivator: A “Challenging” Meeting Tip
Here’s your challenge for the week — For every meeting you attend, in person or virtual, ditch the PDA. Yes. Take it off the table. Put it on silent (you … Continue reading Monday Motivator: A “Challenging” Meeting Tip
It is the start of the 10th annual International Clean Out Your Inbox Week! So here’s your Monday challenge: stop using “reply all.” Avoid the groans. Be part of the … Continue reading Monday Motivator: Dissect the “Reply All”
Listen to this eye-opening podcast about WHY you need to be VERY concerned with the quality of each email you send… then click here to watch our latest email productivity … Continue reading Great Point Podcast – Why Your Email Messages Should Be AWESOME, Every Time…
In this Inbox Detox Video Minute, email productivity expert Marsha Egan gives commonn sense and etiquette tips on how or when to amend or change the subject line in a … Continue reading Email Productivity Video Tip #15: When to Change the Subject Line
me business emailers may think they impress their bosses, peers or subordinates by sending emails in the middle of the night. The truth is, while occasional 3:00 AM e-mails may be … Continue reading Send an Email After Midnight? No way. Don’t even THINK About It
Here are some of the most common email messaging mistakes, and how to avoid them. Some of the ways to avoid them are pretty obvious, otherwise, I’ve included suggestions on how to … Continue reading Email Messages: The Most Common Mistakes, and How to Avoid Them…
If you think there are no consequences of writing a ‘bad’ or ineffective email, think again… I can think of several… Among the consequences of writing a “bad” or ineffective e-mail … Continue reading Ask Marsha: What are the Consequences of Writing a “Bad” or Ineffective Email?
There are alot of “never do’s” when it come to email, but here are my top five: Never throw anyone under the bus by e-mail, that is… don’t put criticisms … Continue reading Email Best Practices: 5 Things to “Never Do” in an Email Message
I get this question alot… and frankly it baffles me that people even ask it. The answer is: VERY! It is extremely important that your e-mail correspondence at work is … Continue reading Ask Marsha: How important is it to your career that your work emails are professional and effective?
We’ve all done it. The meeting is going on and on. Your boss is rambling. You “get” the gist of the concept. You’re bored. Your mind drifts. Hmmm. Wonder what … Continue reading Career Suicide: If You’re Thinking of Checking that Blackberry in a Meeting, Don’t!