International Clean Out Your Inbox Day 7: One last message ✨ As the week ends, I wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who followed along. From tips, … Continue reading Clean Out Your Inbox Week, Day 7: One Final Push…
International Clean Out Your Inbox Day 7: One last message ✨ As the week ends, I wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who followed along. From tips, … Continue reading Clean Out Your Inbox Week, Day 7: One Final Push…
Day 5: Check your email LESS. Because email receipts have become one of the most prolific interrupters of the 21st century, managing the frequency with which you check your email … Continue reading Clean Out Your Inbox Week, Day 5: Check email infrequently…
International Clean Out Your Inbox Week Day 4: 10 ways to send fewer emails ✨ Happy Wednesday! Today I am sharing 10 ways to help you send fewer emails. (After … Continue reading Clean Out Your Inbox Week, Day 4: 10 ways to send fewer emails…
Clean Out Your Inbox Week Day 3: Sort rather than work) your email ✨ Too many emailers confuse “sorting” email with “working” email. When you go into your inbox, open … Continue reading Clean Out your Inbox Week, Day 3: Sort (rather than work) your email…
Clean Out Your Inbox Week Day 2: How to get your inbox to zero ✨ We all feel better when our inboxes have been “zeroed out.” Why is it that … Continue reading Clean Out Your Inbox Week – Day 2: How to get your inbox to zero…
Happy International Clean Out Your Inbox Week! 🎉📧 Every January, I love to focus on the importance of email and how we can best manage our inboxes. (Trust me, I … Continue reading Announcing… the 16th annual Clean Out Your Inbox Week!
Frustrated that things are not progressing fast enough on an issue or project? Too many emails? Responses not fast enough, or worse, off the mark? Here’s your solution: Pick up … Continue reading Clean Out Your Inbox Week, Day 5 Tip: Two Times is Enough! Email ‘Rounds, That Is…
Here is one of our best tips on how to craft your email message so that the reader “gets” your most important point. For just 2 1/2 minutes of your … Continue reading Clean Out Your Inbox Week, Day 3: Podcast: How to Make Sure Your Recipients “Get” Your Email Message
Today starts the 15th annual Clean Out Your Inbox Week, official in Chases’ Calendar of Events. Your challenge is to have a cleansed inbox by the end of this week. … Continue reading Clean Out Your Inbox Week 2022: Day 1 Tip and Freebie
Nine in 10 American adults have a cellphone, according to data released in January by the Pew Internet Research Project. Almost 60 percent have a smartphone, and 42 percent of … Continue reading Cell Phone — Toxic or NOT?
Here’s your challenge for the week — For every meeting you attend, in person or virtual, ditch the PDA. Yes. Take it off the table. Put it on silent (you … Continue reading Monday Motivator: A “Challenging” Meeting Tip