I don’t want perfect, I want honest. Those who seek perfection are bound for disappointment. Those who seek excellence will achieve. Those who are honest with themselves, and others, … Continue reading I Don’t Want Perfect…
I don’t want perfect, I want honest. Those who seek perfection are bound for disappointment. Those who seek excellence will achieve. Those who are honest with themselves, and others, … Continue reading I Don’t Want Perfect…
Excuses don’t work. At best, explanations do. By taking responsibility for all you do, you become stronger. So, the next time you are tempted to make an excuse, don’t. Take … Continue reading How Are Those Excuses Workin’ For Ya?
What a great quote! It speaks to the fact that our stress IS in our control, and we can CHOOSE to be stressed or not. Never said it was easy, … Continue reading Dear Stress, …
Why Shout? I’ve always been confounded by anyone who believes that raising his or her voice will enable them to be heard better. Especially in business. The recipient hears only … Continue reading Why Shout?
I have run into so many people who defer their living and enjoyment of life until (you fill in the blank.) After I lose 15 pounds, I’ll ___________ After I … Continue reading Stop Waiting… Today is AWE Some!
When one of my coaching clients says “I’m afraid to _______” it is a real coaching opportunity. Facing your fears helps you overcome them. Some say the definition of courage … Continue reading Fear Could Be Your Friend!
Misunderstood expectations can be the source of so much anxiety, disappointment, and performance issues. Whether you are the leader or the follower, the parent or the child, realize the importance of … Continue reading What are YOU expecting? What are THEY?
Boston Public Library / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND Wow! Am I excited to start this coaching blog! Here is the place for you to find coaching tips, career strategy advice, … Continue reading Welcome to the Coach’s Corner!
Have you ever seen a circus plate-spinner? Those people who spin flatware on tall spikes, dashing frantically from plate to plate to keep them airborne as, if they let their … Continue reading Set Boundaries to Help Overcome Overload