It has happened to all of us. Those email messages that are just not – for us – in any way. And THEN, they send you more of the same. … Continue reading Ask Marsha: How do I tell people to stop sending me stuff thats not suitable for me?
It has happened to all of us. Those email messages that are just not – for us – in any way. And THEN, they send you more of the same. … Continue reading Ask Marsha: How do I tell people to stop sending me stuff thats not suitable for me?
Let’s remember the two minute rule. Take the number of items you have in your inbox and multiply that number by 2. That’s the maximum number of minutes this project … Continue reading Ask Marsha: How do I start, moving ALL of those emails out of my inbox?
NO. NO. NO. That’s extra work. That will create another email to handle. If you want or need to save an item that you sent, go into your sent mail, … Continue reading Ask Marsha: Should I send a blind copy of an email to myself, so that I have a record of it?
This is another one that could be tough to give you rules to follow. Sometimes the received email is enough for you to save. Sometimes you may need to keep … Continue reading Ask Marsha: Should I file away the received email or my sent email?
One of the questions I get ALOT is “How do I know when to use and not use email?” One of the best ways to answer this question is to … Continue reading EMail Management: To Email or NOT To Email
I have thousands and thousands of e-mails not only in my inbox, but in many folders…. It is difficult to give you rules on when you should purge your e-mails. … Continue reading Ask Marsha: How do I know when to purge email?
You’ll enjoy this 2 minute ABC News Boston segment. Reporter Kelley Tuthill has only 37,000 items in her inbox, and that’s only one of her many email accounts. Click here … Continue reading 37,000 in her email inbox? Detox for ABC Boston reporter Kelley Tuthill…
This solution comes under the heading of working to manage yourself even better. Sometimes we understand what we need to change, yet we have a hard time making the change. … Continue reading Ask Marsha: My problem is that I am addicted. I check my e-mail 24/7. I know I should check my e-mail only periodically but I can’t seem to stick to it… What can I do?
First, KUDOS! It is extremely important that you do have a high priority of not offending others. I think we have all been around reformed smokers or people who’ve lost … Continue reading Ask Marsha: My biggest challenge after being “converted” to your system is getting others trained on how I want to receive emails. How do I get them to work within my new parameters without offending them?
– It could be that, by deferring this task to the end of the day, you are making yourself read the emails one more time than you need to. We … Continue reading Ask Marsha: At the end of each day, I diligently move the email, both received and sent, into folders. But it is still overwhelming. How do I control it?
Here are several tips for managing email when you are out: – Let people know you are out of the office. When you know you will be gone, let … Continue reading Ask Marsha: How do I manage all that email when I travel or am out of the office for a few days?!!