So many times I’ve heard smart and energetic people lament that they just can’t seem to get their important stuff done–other things get in the way.
Here’s the truth. Your priorities may be out of whack, and you don’t even know it.
Well, here’s a clue. It is about HOW you’ve chosen to spend your time. It is not about WHAT you put on the to do list, because THAT is what you’re NOT getting to. It is about what you’ve let TAKE your time, sometimes without you even knowing it!
So, your mission, should you choose to accept it:
Make note of how you have chosen to spend your time over a three day period.
How often do you check your email? How often do you check social media? How much time do you spend chatting with others? How much time in front of the TV? Or on the internet?
Not that any of these things are bad… The point is… that whether you realize it or not, you, by selecting those actions, have MADE them your priority AT THE TIME!
In other words, every time you check your email, you have chosen that action as your top priority of the moment. So the point is that how you choose to spend that time has made it a priority for you. But – are those things your top priorities?
Definitely food for thought, wouldn’t you say?!!