
The Priority Funnel

I like to challenge my clients to use a “priority funnel” to help them choose their daily, weekly monthly and even yearly goals and tasks.
What IS a priority funnel?

Monday Motivator: Try a Boundary

Here’s your weekly challenge – we’ve been posting about life balance, so here’s a suggestion:

Set a boundary around…

Check Yourself on Your Work and Life Balance

With all the attention being given to work and life balance these days, I thought it might be useful to give you a few tips about whether you really are struggling with work and life balance, or not…

Monday Motivator: Driving Your Purpose

“When your drive is moving your purpose, focus must hold the wheels else you might miss the way. ― Israelmore Ayivor Does your purpose have enough focus?  

Clear the Way for Work-Life Balance…

To enhance your work – life balance, sometimes it’s important to clear some things out of the way. Achieving life balance also means setting yourself up to enable yourself to give the proper priorities to the proper priorities!

So here are 2 balance-enabling practices: