
Life Balance Workshops

The Balancing Act:
How to Bring Balance Back into Your Life

Is your life outa whack? Need some hints to get yourself back on track? This two hour workshop will give you formulas that can help you improve the balance that may be missing in your life.

  • It’s not about doing MORE; it’s about doing what’s right.
  • It’s not about working harder; it’s about working sharper.
  • It’s not about having what you want; it’s about wanting what you have…

This enlightening workshop could change your life!

You may be skeptical that our workshops could have this kind of impact, but consider this:

The information you will receive will help you launch an introspective look that could spur you to the actions that can change the way you view your life

Your workshop leader, Marsha Egan, PCC, CSP, is an International Coach Federation certified life and performance coach, and a certified faciltator, to boot!

The handouts you will receive have been time tested and used by tens of thousands of people seeking balance in their lives.

In these workshops, you’ll learn:

Simple effective methods that will help you determine the balance (or imbalance) you have in your life

  • Techniques to bring about more balance
  • Formulas for matching your priorities to your daily activities
  • An assessment tool to help you increase your life balance

Why you should participate…

Chances are, you may not be paying attention to some of the more important things in your life… and you should be. Family? Health?

One day it will be too late to “do it tomorrow,” they will be gone… This seminar will provide tools for you to refocus on what is really important.

The more balanced you are, the more effective you are

People whose lives are in balance move from one area of their lives to another with renewed effectiveness.

Life Balance fuels inner peace and happiness

When you are balanced, and properly focused, you don’t “miss” things in your life. You are more able to satisfy your needs and the needs of those around you. You can enjoy more that inner happiness that can be so elusive

We can provide one hour, two hour, and half day programs.

In these workshops, we will help you establish the framework for you to adjust the balance in your life, give you the tools to do it and provide you the guidance to launch your own shift in your priorities

Call us today! 877-749-4036