
Make A Declaration of Inter-Dependence!

Category: Networking Brilliance

Not “dependence;” not “independence; Inter-Dependence!

In this fast paced world, our ability to survive and prosper will be reflected in our ability to maximize the benefit of our Inter-D—our Inter-Dependence.

What is Inter-D? It is our ability to work together and benefit from the strengths of everyone involved…

  • To value and seek out the contributions of others.
  • To build synergy into our business and organizational cultures.
  • To value inclusion rather than competition.

Just as an orchestra can make beautiful music when each musician prepares and plays his or her part, your organization will thrive when each person prepares and contributes individual strengths in an Inter-Dependent way. That orchestra could possibly still make music when some of its musicians are either missing or unprepared, it just won’t be its best. Your organization will run without a few contributors, but to thrive, build a culture of Inter-Dependence—Inter-D.

I: Inter-D organizations are Inclusive. They value each other’s contributions in a non-competitive way.

N: Inter-D organizations are Networking organizations; their participants seek out others and learn and share their strengths.

T: Inter-D organizations are built on Trust. Their members trust each other and are trustworthy.

E: Inter-D organizations are high Energy, and highly productive because their members feel appreciated and motivated to help it and each other succeed.

R: Inter-D organizations’ members hold each other in high Respect. They learn not only from each other’s successes, but from their failures as well. They help each other shine.

D: Inter-D Organizations are Delightful to be part of. Members value each other’s contributions, they feel safe with each other, they share mutual goals that help the group succeed, and are energetic in their inclusion of others.

So, how Inter-Dependent are you?

  1. Do you energetically bring other into your group?
  2. Do you see yourself as one piece of the overall puzzle?
  3. Do you value the varied backgrounds and strengths of others in your group?
  4. Do you avoid criticizing others or their work?
  5. Can you be trusted…, every time?
  6. Do you value mistakes, yours and others?
  7. Do you share constructive criticism with those with the authority to fix it?
  8. Do you air your opinions and issues in the appropriate forum, and avoid “meetings after the meetings?
  9. Do you collect business cards everytime you meet someone new?
  10. Do you go about your tasks with high energy and enthusiasm?

Just like a jigsaw puzzle, every piece is important. Just like an orchestra, every instrument adds to the beauty of the music. Just like a sports team, every player has his or her part to play.

And just like a successful “Inter-D” organization, every member adds value.
