GPCO – 2021 Schedule

Here is our schedule for 2021. Webinars will be held, live, the second Monday of the Month at 11:30 EST via Zoom. Mini-courses will be made available monthly, as will downloadable Lunch ‘n Learns. 

Click here for a PDF of these topics.

Month Focus Webinar Mini-Course Lunch/Learn
Jan Management Five Secrets to Setting Goals that Work High-Performance Goal Setting

New Year–New (Uncluttered) You

Feb Priorities The Magic of a Priority Funnel Ten Tips to Better Priority Management Important? Urgent?
Mar Leadership Ten Phrases Successful Leaders Use Six Tips on How to Better Assert Yourself

Five Traits of Confident Leaders

Ap Motivation Nine Steps to Changing a Behavior Two Skills You Need to Assess to Improve Performance Five Ways to Give Feedback that Really Works
May Communication Five Strategies for More Synergistic Relationships Actions you Can Take to Build Your Sphere of Influence How to Start (and Enjoy) a Networking Convo
June Leadership Four Strategies you can Use to Overcome “Change Inertia” The Cycle of Positive Change Five Attributes of Resilient Leaders
July  Leadership Six Actions Positive Leaders Take Feedback Cultures: What They Look Like and Why They Work Motivating Feedback: Words that Matter
Aug Communication Ten Ways Great Leaders Communicate Phrases Great Leaders Avoid Six Tips to Sharpen Your Listening Skills
Sep Management Five Strategies for Even More Effective Delegation Delegating: Your Three Most Important Words The ABCs of Delegating Success
Oct Communication Six Actions that Can Build Your “Remarkability” Selling Yourself without Selling Yourself Out How to Increase the Power of Your Network
Nov Motivation Five Attributes of Synergistic Teams Let’s Get Motivating! How to Motivate Just about Anyone
Dec Leadership Four Powerful Thoughts about Investing in Others Time to Invest in People. Why and How… Five Ways You Can Invest in Others’ Success

*Topics may be subject to change