Here is an interesting thought to start your week: “A year from now you may wish you had started today.” -Karen Lamb Yep. Time passes. Start something today instead of … Continue reading Monday Motivator: What about a Year from Now?
Here is an interesting thought to start your week: “A year from now you may wish you had started today.” -Karen Lamb Yep. Time passes. Start something today instead of … Continue reading Monday Motivator: What about a Year from Now?
Other people’s success spurs me on to do well and gives me motivation.” –Nicolas Hoult This quote resonates with me… I remember many times when I felt as excited about … Continue reading
Here is some Monday motivation from Mario Andretti, the famous race car driver: “If things seem under control, you’re not going fast enough.” Hmmmm. Definite food for thought. Sometimes pushing … Continue reading Monday Motivator: Are You Going Fassst Enough?
“We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.”- Maya Angelou Your Monday Motivator is to learn from your latest “defeat” — ok not that strong –better said … Continue reading Monday Motivator – Maya Angelou’s Words of Wisdom