Here’s your weekly challenge – we’ve been posting about life balance, so here’s a suggestion:
Set a boundary around…
Work/life balance is NOT a mathematical exercise to make sure that each day is perfectly balanced. It is a state of mind that allows us permission to be satisfied in the … Continue reading Work/Life Balance – A Mathematical Exercise?
When people complain about work/life balance, or the lack of it, many times, they’re alluding to the stress of ALLLLL the stuff they have to do. Or want to do. … Continue reading Want More Work-Life Balance? Walk Away
Here is you challenge for the week: Make sure YOU are on your to do list. Too many times, our to do lists are all about what others want … Continue reading Monday Motivator: Where are YOU on your to do list?
“A true balance between work and life comes with knowing that your life activities are integrated, not separated.” ― Michael Thomas Sunnarborg One of the keys to “life balance” is … Continue reading Monday Motivator: Life Balance – Integrated?